Wednesday, December 5, 2007

I've been working on the autism spectrum, all the live long day...

Yesterday I worked for about 10.5 hours and I was out of the house from 7:30am till about 8:30pm. Today I was away from home from 7:30am till about 5:15pm. Not bad. I'm glad to be keeping busy, even though I am getting a little tired. There is less time for brooding when you're busy. When you're as introspective as I am you have to be constantly on your guard against brooding. If you want to help me fill my social calender and avoid too many dark and weighty thoughts I would love to include you. I would love some good deep conversation about something other than relationship drama. Please.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Having such an insightful mind does have it's dark side, but one that can be balanced by work and relaxation. Creating a healthy meal can be fun and give your immune system a little boost. Exercise on a regular basis can increase your stamina and lift your mood. How's your vege intake? How many calories do you burn every day? When you read a good book, do you discuss it with friends? Are you finding time and space to be creative? You are always welcome to stop by anytime to chat, have a cup of tea, or try out my new office chair and play on the computer.