Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A lot has been happening

Ali and I finally got our dining set from IKEA. Of course, getting furniture from IKEA means you have to put it together yourself. So that's what we did. I call this "The Evolution of the Chair." But before that...

I spent a day in the mountains courtesy of my dad, a great mountain man (beard and all). We fished and I shot a rifle for the first time. Only two fish were caught and they were both released. Mine was a nice 14 inch German Brown Trout. But before that...

Heather and Danny got married! It was a lovely wedding and we all looked pretty good in our tiffany blue and pearls. But before that...

Heather had a super fun Bachelorette weekend in Napa. Not too many of the girls were actually interested in tasting the wine, but we did taste a few exceptional Moscatos. This is at Mondavi's, the last one of the trip.

I have been doing so many great things and spending time with my wonderful friends, but work has been very stressful and I've been doing a lot of introspection. Those last two things combined mean I am daily fighting a melancholy that makes me not much fun to be around. Maybe I hide it well, but if you think of it please send some prayers or pleasant thoughts my way. I am very thankful for all the people that love me enough to listen to my whining, and if you haven't had the opportunity to do that yet, just give me a call.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Rachel, I miss you a Alison, it was so fun to see you when we were in Sac, but that was so long ago. I know what you mean about fighting melancholy from introspection. I don't know about you, but I find it hard to deal with because I don't want to ignore what I'm feeling or never work through things, but the more I think about stuff, the worse I feel. Anyway, you are in my thoughts and prayers and I hope to see you again! I'm glad you are getting to do a lot of fun things too.