Sunday, January 4, 2009

Time is ticking away. Tick, tick, ticking away!

Wow! Life has been busy the last month or so (hence the lack of blog updates). It has been wonderful to participate in so many events and social gatherings with my friends and family, but I need a break! Since it is a new year, I have been thinking about how I want to spend my time. My life is so busy that I am almost constantly fighting off weariness and sickness due to a lack of sleep and hurried, unhealthy meals. Coffee has become a dietary staple and I don't think that actually contributes to my physical health. While having fun is certainly not a bad thing, I want to find more of a balance. I realize that if I stay home a couple nights a week I may be missing out on a couple nights of fun, but more are sure to come.

I'm nervous and excited about how this new year will pan out. I can feel changes coming. Change can be so stretching, but I'm feeling up to the challenge.

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